Monday, July 28, 2008


Could you blame me?
I could work on the hundreds of images requiring my immediate attention, or I could write a to- do list to outline all the household stuff I am behind in, or I could get on with the half-finished library bag I insisted on sewing (for Mattea) before yet another library day rolls around, or I could even go to bed (gasp!) for some very well earned rest.
OR I could play with images (taken today in a separate instance of boy-related procrastination) of Archie, who looks exactly like this for 9 minutes out of every ten. He is my sweet angel.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This cheers me up...

;my divine niece Arabella, who always puts a smile on my face. So I have just taken a 5 minute break from some very sad work to have a quick play with these images, taken on the weekend at gorgeous Wattle Park in Melbourne. This little girl is sunshine in a bottle, with some occasional surprise sun showers...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The troll under the tree

And from the same park visit, my darling troll Mattea, who doesn't know which way is up at the moment.

Winter weekend

This weekend we had the pleasure of adding another two girls (temporarily) to our family. Steve is Sienna's godfather, and we absolutely adore her and her 3 older sisters, as do our girls. 
On Saturday night we had a wonderful time taking them all (4 girls in total between ages of 8 and 3, and 4 and a half month old Archer) out to the local pub, and enjoyed all the comments from other diners about how we could stop now we had the boy.  We corrected people the first few times, then just decided to laugh it off. Anyway, apparently this is the closest I am getting to any more children so I rather enjoyed the pretence.
Anyway, on a cold Melbourne Sunday we spent an hour at the Sorrento park, and in between Archie's 2 hourly feeds I snuck in a few piccies of the girls with the beautiful eyes. We also were paid a visit the night before by the girls' two sisters and dog (a boy!), and I managed to get a few poorly focussed and grainy shots before we all froze to death...every time I stopped to change the ISO the light halved and I was back where I started. Anyway, I swear that this is the real colour of Mietta and Sienna's eyes, I have not gone crazy with the saturation sponge (having only just discovered it's existence thanks to Jessie Broome ). 
So, thanks for your visit girls, you are always welcome in our home.