Saturday, November 1, 2008

Collingwood Children's Farm

Today's visit to Collingwood children's farm...

In this next one, was fully intending to also capture the shot of her hand carefully cradling the goose eggs (of which there were two) which would have been terribly nice in the upper right hand corner, however one of the mummy geese was not so interested in my photographic story and scared Holly Hobbie right on out of the pen. And again, if you want to see the details, click on the image below....


Unknown said...

*sigh* you rock everything you do so much!

kim selby said...

Bloody hell! These are amazing! I seriously am needing some lessons from you!

Anonymous said...

simply stunning Sarah.. gorgeous captures. lovely processing

Narrelle said...

These are gorgeous, Sarah! I love the Children's Farm, and you captured the feel of it so well. Love the one of the two of them sitting snuggled up together. Very sweet. :)

Renee Bell said...

great location!!! Looks liek lots of fun :-)

Unknown said...

that is some location!! I really love the SB, so perfect!!