Monday, November 10, 2008

I am officially a twit...

I am always whingeing about people not commenting on my blog. Well, turns out I wasn't letting anyone but registered google users do this. Thanks to Susan Darcy, a totally inspirational black and white specialist photographer from Melbourne, whose work I have been avidly following for at least a year now, for pointing this out!!! And now anyone can comment, call yourself ANON if you like. Now all your lurkers, comment away! Or I will whack you over the head with a glass of champers if you come up to me at a social function and tell me how you love my blog {actually, anyone who knows me knows this is not true, I would never waste bubbles like that}.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah!

Just wanted to say thanks so much for your loving comments on my blog re the birth photography. Means so much coming from someone like you! I don't think I have seen your work before and I am absolutely speechless. Your work is so beautiful and I hope you don't mind but I would love to add you as my first person on my "blog roll"......thank you once again for your kind words.

And I hope you get a million more comments now you have it up and running - you SO deserve it!

Naomi V